Film-Film Hollywood Versi Bahasa Sunda

a. Saving Private Ryan - Nulungan si Rian

b. Enemy At The Gate - Musuh Ngajedog di Pager

c. Die Hard - Teu Paeh-Paeh

d. Die Hard II - Can Paeh Keneh

e. Die Hard III With A Vengeance - Nya'an euy Hese Pisan Paehna

f. Bad Boys - budag bedegong

g. Rocky - Osok Neunggeulan Batur

h. Rain Man - Lalaki Cicing di Bogor

i. Here's Something About Marry - Ari Ceu Meri Teh Kunaon?

j. Mission Impossible - Moal Bisa

k. Titanic - Tilelep

l. Paycheck - Nganjuk Heula

m. Reign of Fire - Beubeuleuman

n. Original Sin - Tara Ka Mesjid

o. Sleepless In Seattle - Cenghar Di Ciateul

p. Silence of The Lambs - Embe Pundung

q. Ghost - Jurig Kasep

r. Bad Boys - Budak Baong

s. Are We There Yet? - Lila Teuing Nepina Euy?

t. Home Alone - Tinggaleun

u. Casablanca - Mengkol Ti Sudirman

v. Gone In Sixty Seconds - Indit Siah Kaditu!

w. The Awakening - Hudang Sare

x. After The Sunset - Tereh Maghrib
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